• reflections on life in Paris

breakfast vs. breakfast |11/10/12

Cheese toast, porridge, toast with sardine, egg and cucumber, omelette, toast with ham, boiled egg, sausage…just to give you an idea about typical Latvian breakfast. Croissant, croissant with jam, pain au chocolat, tartine with butter and jam – and this is so French.

French and Latvian soirée 01|02|2012

Mentality, character, weather, education  – I am not quite sure which of these is responsible for party traditions. But one thing is clear, Latvians and French don’t party the same way. If I would offer a film evening, it wouldn’t cause any problems for my Latvian friends. Quite recently half of the nation was gathered around TVs with their … Continue reading

watchmen 04|01|12

It has been a while, yes, I know.  I was afraid that one day I will run out of subjects about differences between Latvia and France, but no worries, they still keep popping up. My last revelation was about ‘gardien’ – caretaker, guardian, porter. Someone so present in everyday life that it initially slipped my … Continue reading

i’ll write you a check 14|11|11

Sometimes when people say things that are not usual to me, I take them as a joke or a metaphor. This happened to cheque. Check as a concept was known to me since long time through american films but we didn’t have them in Latvia. People in films used to write checks to pay their bills or to lend or … Continue reading

Reasons why living in Paris is great 07|11|11

Some people, when they live in a small city, want to go to bigger one, when they are in this big city, they want to go to big city of another country. This is understandable.  But then there are some people who live in Paris and who want to move to New York because there is … Continue reading

little pleasures of language 08|10|11

Before I even could imagine that one day I will actually go to France, not to mention even to move to France, I started to learn French with couple of colleagues of mine. For pure pleasure of learning, and French sounds so nice after all. After half a year of studies, I imagined to be able to … Continue reading


It was first week when I arrived in Paris, me and my boyfriend went to a busy restaurant in Oberkampf. As a matter of fact, to precise the place is not so important because it could be any other location or restaurant. What I noticed also later, tables in restaurants are very close to each … Continue reading

To be cool or not to be cool 09|09|11

It is early morning, we fasten our seatbelts and plane takes off for a 13 hour flight. It is going to be long, we are going to eat two times, have a snack five times, try to sleep hundred times and hundred times we will wake up to realise it is still six or five … Continue reading

Cheaper not to know 08/07/11

You want to quit smoking? We can help you! Just call us. Only problem that it might be cheaper to continue smoking than to call to know how to quit. You want to solve issues related to social security? Call us, it’s just 0,10 € a minute, but most likely all the operators will be so … Continue reading

celebration fashion 11/06/11

10 years ago I went to Switzerland with my school’s choir to participate in concert of conteporary music peace written by a Swiss composer and to sing in graduation ball of our partner school in Basel. So far so good, Basel was beautiful, we – kids from former Soviet country were impressed by number of … Continue reading